Saturday, April 2, 2011

How to Make a Good Cheese or Apple Pie

A delicious recipe for cheese or apple pie.
One of may favourite deserts is the cheese pie, although sometimes I go for apple pie as well. I know this recipe from my mother and it is very easy to be done. It is also very easy to remember, as the ingredients are in a proportion of 1 to 1. The same dough can be used for apple or cheese pie.

Ingredients: (for a big griddle)

The dough:

- 4 eggs

- 14 spoons with sugar

- 14 spoons with cooking oil

- 14 spoons with milk

- 1 teaspoon ammonia

- lemon juice

- flour


- 500gr cottage cheese / 500gr apples

- raisins / for the apple pie do not use raisins, but cinnamon

- sugar / sugar

- 1 egg / no egg for apple pie

How to make it:

Break the eggs into a pan. Add sugar gradually and stir. Add milk and stir until sugar melts. Add the cooking oil and stir again. Put the ammonia in a cup and add lemon juice, then add it into the composition. Stir. Add flour until the dough is not too strong, but not too soft either. It needs to be something like lava, meaning that it needs to flow slowly when you incline the pan. Put half or a little bit more of the dough into a griddle. (The griddle was previously buttered and floured or covered in baking paper). Put it in the oven, slow to medium temperature. When the dough is half baked, so not very soft, take the griddle out.

When the dough is in the oven, prepare the filling: Mix the cheese with one or two spoons with sugar, add raisins, an egg and some vanilla essence. Now, the griddle being out, put the filling and add the other half of the dough. Put it back in the oven until it becomes golden on the outside.

The same goes for the apple pie, but make sure the apples are not hot when you fill the pie. To prepare the apple filling, peel the apples, then grate them. Put them into a pan, on the cooker, add sugar and cinnamon and let them boil. When they are ready, cool them a little and only after that fill the pie with it.

Leave the pie to cool down and when it is not hot any more, cut it and eat it. You can also put powder sugar before you serve it.


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